Free Reports

We regularly publish reports covering all aspects of the global messaging market. Here are a sample of our reports available to download. You can sign up below to be notified when a new report is available.

WhatsApp Business messaging traffic white paper.

New WhatsApp White Paper

Published April 2024. A snapshot of our brand new WhatsApp Business market overview report

Issue #2: Published February 2024. Our quarterly report tracking fraud risk across 200 global markets (Free redacted version)

Are your CPaaS revenues under threat? Report.

Are your CPaaS Revenues Under Threat?

Published April 2023. An independent report on the CPaaS market, sponsored by XConnect.

The State of the Signaling Firewall Landscape

Published November 2021. An original piece of research commissioned by Mobileum.

The state of the signaling firewall landscape - November 2021 report.

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